Site: DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherungs AG, Cologne
"...neither body, nor soul..." is a
permanent installation in the entrance area of the new headquarters
of the "DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG". (Architect: Jan Störmer
Hamburg). The images move in a choreographed way interpreting the
space and architectural details. Furthermore they build light-bridges
and thus connected the facade of the older building with the ones
of the new architectural ensemble - even those of the inner yard.

Image wise the computer-controlled slide installation is based on
the book "De Humanii Corpore Fabrica" originally published
by Andreas Vesalius in 1543. Actually "De Humanii Corpore Fabrica"
is the first Anatomy made in Europe, which followed clearly scientific
goals. Thus is has become an Icon in the history of medicine, revealing
that from that moment onwards, humans looked increasingly on each
other as a sort of mechanism, rather than an image of the divine.

The ERGO, to which the DKV belongs is a leading force in standardization worldwide.
The artistic conception has considered this
fact, by re-inventing and improving existing and standardized projection technology.