Light installation, realized
at the Museum Bochum 1991. This intervention is part of the workgroup
called the "Michelangelo-Project".
One slide projector has been projecting every day full time (24
hours) on the Museum Bochum an outlined drawing, taken from Michelangelo's
Sistine ceiling fresco called "The separation of Light and
Darkness". This has been done in such way, that the image was
never completely visible, because the projection used a wall slice
as its screen, which starts outside and continues inside of the
building as part of an exhibition space. As the daylight is usually
far stronger than any slide projector, visitors may have seen during
the day only indoors fragments of the projected image. Every part
of the figure, which has been using as a screen an outdoor slice
of the wall, remained invisible until dusk. Reciprocal during the
evening and the night the projected image has been visible only
on the walls outside the building, because the respective wall slice
inside have been by then strongly illuminated. Connaturally in the
dawn the process becomes inverse again.

Technical data: 1 slide-projector, one slide (blank and black)